17 Strong Woman Anthems That Literally Scream ‘Female Empowerment’

Songs that aren’t about big booty hoes or flexing are often hard to come by. Too many abstract, unmeaningful, and derogatory songs often hog the top 40 charts. Yet despite this, there are still so many powerful anthems just waiting to be added to your queue. Here are 17 songs that you probably won’t be twerking to at the club, but instead listening to alone in your room, allowing them to lift you up to the strong, fierce, woman you truly are (re: boss lady). Let this playlist motivate you, teach you, and also maybe help you up pep up in the gym. Anyone down to kickbox/kick ass?

1. So What – P!nk

Every time I get sad over some dumb ass man, I blast this throwback and remind myself that I don’t need him or that good dick. BOY, BYE. I aspire to be as badass, fierce, and strong as P!nk. YASSS.

2. Woman – Kesha

Kesha’s entire Rainbow album is V empowering. But this song in particular really takes the cake for making us females feel unstoppable. We DO pay our own bills, and work really hard. Honestly, what do us strong women need a man for?

3. Invincible – Kelly Clarkson

Over the years, Kelly Clarkson has graced us with a couple of empowering anthems. In Invincible, she tells the tale of how she hit rock bottom in life, but instead of just sulking, she rose up and, got stronger, and is now, well, invincible.

4. Fighter – Christina Aguilera

Whether it’s an abusive ex, family member, friend etc., it’s those heinous people and experiences in life that actually make us stronger. We’re forced to fight for what we shouldn’t have to fight for (which at the moment might sound unbearable), but in the end, we’re become appreciative of those degenerates that crossed our path. They turned us into fighters.

5. Girl On Fire – Alicia Keys

“She’s got both feet on the ground, and she’s burning down.” Girl on Fire is about the girl who has big dreams and passions. She has that little bit of fire in her eyes, and with that she becomes unstoppable.