Fast forward to college, where I continued to be influenced that the only way to make your mark on campus was to be skinny and beautiful. Similarly to Demi, around this time I was triggered by the thought of being alone. With no parents in sight, this behavior continued consistently until I was 21, six years after it began. At that time, I had decided to take a step back and evaluate the choices I was making and how it could affect my health in the long run. Putting myself first was the best thing I have ever done.
I work in the fashion industry and constantly feel the pressure to look a certain way. Demi’s revelation about her daily battle with food is the same battle I fight as well. “It’s something that I’m constantly thinking about,” she says. “Body image, what I’m going to eat next, what I wish I could be eating, what I wish I didn’t eat… it’s all just constant.” And although I haven’t relapsed in a while, I’m still reminded by that little voice inside my head that tells me I could be skinnier. But it gets quieter over time.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that there is more to me than my body. Of course, I still care about how I present myself, but I know that I bring more to the table than the way I look. Anyone with their own body issues or addiction can relate to this documentary. Demi’s bravery inspired me to share my story, and I hope she continues to encourage her fans to face their own demons head-on.
Check out Simply Complicated, now playing on YouTube.