21 People Reveal The Genius Ways They’ve Managed To Cheat The System

6. From user superkiy

When I was in college, I had this meal plan where the school essentially took my “actual money” and turned it into “campus dollars” that could only be spent at school dining halls and cafes. I didn’t mind so much until the end of the semester, when I was informed that any unspent “campus dollars” would “go away.” I had more than a hundred bucks left, and only a day to spend them. Here’s what I did.
I went to the nicest campus restaurant — the one where you’re supposed to take your parents when they come to visit. Basically, a real restaurant with waitstaff, that also happened to take “campus dollars”. I got the most expensive thing on the menu, and then called the waiter over. I asked him if I could tip him in “campus dollars,” and he said yes. I asked him if he would have immediate access to those “campus dollars,” in the form of “actual money,” and he said yes.
So I made him a deal. I gave him a monster tip, and he gave me half of it back in “actual money.” Many years later, I am still proud of this. I made a server’s day, screwed the Man, and got my money back.

7. From user pbblender

Torrenting college textbooks. I love the internet.

8. From user kfactors

Whenever people come to the pool where I lifeguard and have guests with them, I always ask them if they live more than 50 miles away (our policy is guests from more than 50 miles away don’t pay guest fees). If they say no I give them the look and ask them again. They usually say yes after that.

Saving customers two dollars like a boss.

9. From user oob15

I get paid by my work even though I am on reddit for 5-6 hours per day

10. From user alexemalexem

I bring all my rechargeable items (shaver, cell phone, lap top, etc.) to work and plug them in there. I figure I must have saved at least $1-$2 last year in electricity.