16. You would let your friends know when your parents were walking by the computer so they didn’t send you any inappropriate messages about you getting drunk the night before.
17. When you could share playlists long before Spotify and set your status as whatever you were listening to.
#rememberwhen people displayed what they listened to on msn, coz koolkids be like 'my music is who I am, this is my life' #tbt #msnmemories pic.twitter.com/J7JnqZVQH7
— Jonathan (@JonRobz) April 20, 2017
18. YoU tYpEd LyKee Th!$ t0 ApPe@r cO0L.
19. You were the originator of the “screenshot.”
#msnmemories Screenshotting cam moments with your friends and uploading them to bebo, MySpace and facebook🤘🏻😂
— J e s s 🎃 (@omgitsjessxo) September 4, 2016
20. You always pretended to send someone the “wrong message” when you did something to f*ck yourself over.
Boy: "I like you"
Girl: "umm I think we should just be friends."
Boy: "That wasn't me who said that, it was my friend… soz lol"— MSN Memories (@MSNmesenger) December 19, 2013