15 Of The Best F***ing Deals On Amazon Today

We get it: you don’t have the time or patience to poke around Amazon all day looking for cool stuff to buy. Thing is, we do! So we scrolled through endless garbage to find the coolest stuff and bring it right to your screen. Thank us later. Or now! Thank us whenever you want.

Full disclosure: We may receive some portion of the sales made on this list. We’re using it to show our parents that writing on the internet is a real job. You hear that, DAD?

1. This hotdog toaster is an all-in-one masterpiece.

Finally, a hot dog without all the steps! If they made one of these for cheeseburgers I would never go to a barbecue again.

Check it out here!

2. An emoji pancake pan makes you the best mom ever.

Even if you don’t have kids, a random one will totally ditch his mom for you.

Check it out here!

3. This hat is for anyone on team-peach.

You know what I mean? Yeah. You know what I mean.

Check it out here.

4. These salt and pepper shakers are one more thing to remind you of chocolate.

Just remember they’re filled with salt and pepper and not chocolate dust.

Check ’em out here!

5. This mug will speak to your soul.

Or not. Whatever. Who cares.

Check it out here!

6. This bottle opener is shaped like a hammerhead shark!

It’s, statistically speaking, the safest way to have a shark in your home.

Check it out here!

7. You know you want a monkey-unicycle-pizza-cutter.

His name is Fred. Don’t even pretend.

Check it out here!

8. Make ice cubes shaped like ocean creatures!

Then pretend you’re a mermaid while you drink iced tea!

Check it out here!

9. This tea infuser is shaped like an adorable squirrel.

Unlike real squirrels though, it won’t run away with your nuts.

Check it out here!

10. Conversations are tough. Not anymore!

These 88 conversation starters are perfect for parties, dates, and even lonely nights talking to yourself.

Check it out here!

11. On the other hand, wear this pin and no one will talk to you.

It’ll be as great as it sounds.

Check it out here!

12. This Instagram logo is actually a camera!

You see, back in the olden days, folks had to walk around with real cameras.

Check it out here!

13. This poster will be your new mantra.

As well as the title of your memoir. And the thing you yell at your dog.

Check it out here!

14. Love dinosaurs and your hair?

Thought so. This dinosaur comb is as stylish as it is useful. It’ll make you feel like a sexy paleontologist.

Check it out here!

15. This pen holder lets you stab a man every day.

Which will take the edge off that feeling of actually wanting to stab a man every day.

Check it out here!