This Girl Just Trolled The Sh*t Out of People With This “Starbucks Secret Menu Drink”

If you use any form of social media, you’ll know that 99% of the world is obsessed with “trends” and “being the first to try really, really cool things.” So, when people debunk the Starbucks Secret Menu and figure out how to order some hella awesome drinks – they share the news and people swarm on baristas, making their day even worse.

Except – one girl is crowned the ultimate PizzaBottle savage of the day for this hilarious prank she’s been pulling on people. Basically, she bought herself a reusable Starbucks cup and filled it with Gatorade – then, telling people it’s called a “Frappajappajooza” and is from Starbucks’ Secret Menu.

Literally – most epic prank ever. And, everyone thought it was hilarious.

I will pay you $10 to go to your local Starbucks and order a “Frappajappajooza,” but – you have to film it and send it to us. Also, you have to dress up in a weird outfit.