Caitlyn Jenner Apparently Wants To Run For U.S. Senate & We’re Rolling Our Eyes

In the latest “Celebrities Thinking They’re Politicians” news, we have Caitlyn Jenner – formally Bruce Jenner – floating around the idea that she may want to run for a seat in the Senate. No, I’m not joking.

After Donald Trump proved to America that anyone can become President – even an Orange, yesterday/no body celebrity who’s only known for hosting a boring reality TV show – it seems as though celebs are trying to get their feet wet in politics faster than ever before. While there are some celebs who would probably be able to make vital contributions in the country – like Leonardo DiCaprio who as long supported the fight against global warming – there are those who just, won’t.

Caitlyn Jenner, for example, has no place in politics.

According to Jenner, when speaking to New York’s AM 970 –

“I have considered it. I like the political side of it. I gotta find out where I can do a better job. Can I do a better job from the outside, kind of working the perimeter of the political scene, being open to talk to anybody? Or are you better off from the inside, and we are in the process of determining that.”

So, why in the world would Caitlyn Jenner want to run for Senate? Being an active member of the LGBTQ movement and supporting equality and equal rights, Jenner – who identifies as a Republican, controversially – wants to “change the face and perception of the Republican Party.”

“I hope to change the perception of the Republican Party and make it the party of equality.”

While I’m all for the support of LGBTQ rights and I stand behind equality – I still believe that politics should be left to politicians and not to celebrities. America seems to be blurring the line between the two far too often in today’s day and age, leaving us open to numerous international issues. We have, after all, become the laughing stock of the world after we elected Trump into the White House.

I say – let celebrities drink mojitos on Rodeo Drive and leave the politics to the politicians, who have actively accumulated enough experience and intellect to do so.