Chipotle Is Finally Getting Queso & We Cannot F*cking Wait

For years now, Chipotle has taken over the Mexican Food industry faster than we can say “extra guacamole.” But, while we’ve been loading up on our burritos and always splurging for extra guac – we’ve neglected one important fact about Chipotle that has made it not as good as places like Moe’s.

They have no f*cking queso.

For years, whenever I’ve gone to Chipotle, I’ve been highly disappointed that I can’t smother my bowls in even more cheese – or dip my chips in cheese. There’s nothing like drowning your food in cheese, especially hot cheese, and the fact that Chipotle was lacking in that department completely turned me off.

But, someone in their exec department heard my complaining and after writing some angry letters – Chipotle has finally released their version of queso – and, it looks hella delicious.

Basically, they’re evolving – thank god. Chipotle isn’t really known for getting new menu items because they usually keep their same old song and dance. But, they’re coming up with the times and testing some new food along with the queso at their public test kitchen in New York City’s Meatpacking District. Chipotle NEXT Kitchen is open to the public – so if you’re in NYC, swing by to taste their goods.


They also offer cilantro-free rice now – which is amazing for people like me, who think cilantro tastes like wet diapers. No thanks (but, no disrespect to anyone who loves it).

According to Chipotle execs, queso has been the most requested item that is not on the menu at the majority of their chains. So, why haven’t they pushed this sooner? Well, according to the execs, it’s way too hard to make without preservatives and add-ins – which the company has always prided itself on keeping out of their food. But, now that they’ve finally found a way to do it, they’re planning on hopefully launching nation-wide ASAP.

Thank you, base God.