The Internet Is Raging After Mom Shares Her Baby’s ‘Cheek Piercing’

There are some things that people post on the Internet that drive everyone insane. When it comes to children and how parents decide to raise them, everyone online is a critic. That’s why I always tell new mommas to “think before they post,” because the Internet can be savages.

One mother posted a photo on her Facebook of her new baby girl and, there was a little extra surprise in this bundle of cuteness.

The photo showcased a beautiful baby girl and a brand new piercing (or some people thought). Although it looks semi-real, it turned out that the photo was a joke and the piercing was completely fake  – just one of those rhinestones you can buy at a craft store. But, people online were going nuts at the idea that a mother would violate her child and pierce her cheek so young.

Also, if people read the entire caption, they’d see the mother was only joking around. But, the photo has been shared on mommy pages everywhere and people are calling this mother horrible, horrible names.

Vance told Yahoo that the reason she posted the photo was to have a conversation about altering babies at such a young age, against their will.

“I can’t believe how many people actually believe my photo is real. So many people are outraged at the thought of piercing my baby at such a young age, without her consent, and against her will. Yet, they don’t understand how other body mutilations, alterations, and modifications are the exact same thing for the exact same reason: aesthetic purposes.”