Today, the Internet has given me life as Twitter decided to share the best of the best – the greatest overheard conversations they’ve gotten while eavesdropping.
1st thing overheard in vegas:
Security to drunk dude: you were in the women's bathroom, peeing on the mirror. You gotta leave, bro
— prince fox (@PrinceFoxMusic) June 16, 2017
Overheard at the Houston Zoo:
"Dad look at the penguin!!"
"Son, that's a squirrel."
— Celeste Rogers (@celestriall) June 18, 2017
Overheard at Denver Pride- "Don't follow your dreams, follow my blog."
— Josh Childs (@jmchilds26) June 18, 2017
Overheard at the grocery store:
"Well you know who wears the romper in that relationship"
— jewell humphrey (@jewell116) June 18, 2017
Overheard at lunch: "the main problem with unifying the US and Canada is that the drinking ages are different."
— Raffi Melkonian (@RMFifthCircuit) June 20, 2017
Overheard from child on playground:
"I'm sad. Wait. There's nothing to be sad about. Okay, I'm happy!"— Dr. SunWolf (@WordWhispers) June 21, 2017
"I want a girl who I like as a person, you know? Not like, a piece of meat." Nice to know you've been dating steaks until now. #Overheard
— Brittany Gervais (@brittgervais18) June 18, 2017
overheard three cops loudly talking about whether they were "growers or showers" I feel so safe, so calm, so protected
— Bez (@Bez) June 20, 2017
"What was that show about the Korean War? The one with the doctors?"
"Hm. Oh! Smash!"
"Yes, that was it! Smash!"— april lavalle (@imatoofbrush) June 21, 2017
Overheard on the shuttle (in Cali girl vocal fry): "My mom actually rescued a pug from North Korea."
— Andy Mientus (@andymientus) April 21, 2017
"See young people do tai chi!"
"No Mom, I think she's looking for a wifi signal."— Hawaia (@alohawaia) June 20, 2017
Who the hell describes their farts as "juicy?" Apparently, the man at Table 9. #overheard
— The Bitchy Waiter ® (@bitchywaiter) June 9, 2017
#overheard: "Suing somebody is suuuch a process.. just go & slash their tires & call it a day."
— Brian Sumwalt (@bsumwalt) June 9, 2017
Girl 1: she turned the condom inside out and..
Girl 2: and that is why she got pregnant
— Happy Sisyphus (@MaatMHI) June 9, 2017
Daughter: "Mommy, are eagles nice?"
Mother: "No. They eat kittens."#mtlmoments#overheard— Al Lafrance. (@NotSoWeirdAl) June 10, 2017
Overheard a woman in Bryant Park tell a friend "I'm so depressed I've got the Sephoras" and I never heard anything more accurate in my life
— #rachelsyme (@rachsyme) June 16, 2017
Lil girl"Im not ugly"
Lil boy"I didnt say you are ugly, I said you're a loser like LeBron"
Lil girl"Im not LeBron, you're LeBron"— Laura.S.F.R.N. (@laurakwhiteside) June 22, 2017
Girl to friend: "He's a bit #creepy, but if you can look past his creepiness, he's okay." #Overheard #TTC #Toronto #RushHour
— overheard_ttc (@overheard_ttc) June 22, 2017
#overheard "You've only been married once, so you don't know." ?????
— Amanda Kruse RD, CD (@Amanda_Kruse) June 22, 2017
"Like, at least an alligator can actually snap a person in half." #overheard #chicago
— M. (@mikereeb) June 22, 2017
Actual #Overheard at the airport: "Honey I want you to meet Dr P, I think he did one of your colonoscopies!" ?
— vilay (@vilay) June 22, 2017
"If I bet someone a honey ham, you know I mean it" #Overheard #CLE #gocavs
— Ashley Ross (@Austrailius) June 12, 2017
"I love shit on stuff" #overheard #lfwm
— Seb Law (@sebulous) June 12, 2017
'It is so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It is like the trash took itself out.' ? #overheard
— Anna Hopeful (@AnnaHopeful) June 12, 2017
#Overheard at work: "I wish I speaked Spanish." *why don't you worry about #English, first*
— English Vs English (@EnglishVsEnglis) June 12, 2017