This 3-Legged Dog Just Beat Cancer And We’re Here To Celebrate

Congratulations, furry friend!

If you’re anything like me, you know that dogs are better than most people. They can do no wrong. They are God’s gift to Earth. They were put on this planet to make the world a better place. All dogs – big, small, black, white, brown, yellow – they are the perfect friends to last a lifetime. But, when a dog gets hurt or falls ill, it can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences you’ll ever endure.

One brave little pooch had fallen ill with cancer recently. While your heart may have just dropped into your stomach and you feel tears welling in the corners of your eyes – have no fear, my dog-loving friends. His owner, Dylan, shared with Twitter that his best friend was strong, fearless and brave and beat cancer – even though it cost him one of his legs.

Dylan Delia shared this adorable tweet with the rest of his followers – and then the world – that his dog was a survivor.

While Dylan of course was happy to still have his pal in his life – it seems that over 60,000 people felt the pride and joy as well. Dylan’s tweet then went viral on Twitter, as other dogs and dog owners celebrated in his good news.

As well, to make Dylan feel like he has a team of dog lovers behind him – other dog owners began to share photos of their 3-legged dogs, too.

One person even shared a photo of their 3-legged cat.

Congratulations Dylan and your adorable dog – we’re drinking to you both tonight.