We’re Not Made Of Stone. Here Are 22 IG Hunks You Should Follow

Let’s get real: one of the main perks of perusing Instagram is the plentiful eye-candy.

And hey — there’s no reason to get embarrassed about it! Instagram is pretty much a fanciful and unrealistic version of everyone’s life, so a little fantasizing is bound to happen every now and then. If you’ve ever found yourself amenable to a few more handsome, shirtless men on your feed (*raises both hands*) then here are some dreamy, aesthetically dreamy men for you to follow, stat.

And if you find yourself looking at Instagram way too much after this, don’t blame me.

22. Broderick Hunter

21. Mantas Armalis

A post shared by Mantas Armalis (@mantasarmalis) on

20. Ben Paul

A post shared by Ben Paul (@paulinobenny) on

19. Willy Cartier

A post shared by Willy Cartier (@willycartier) on

18. Miles McMillan

A post shared by Miles McMillan (@milesmcmillan) on

17. Marlon Teixeira

A post shared by Marlon Teixeira (@marlontx) on

16. Drew Hudson

A post shared by Drew Hudson (@sir_drewhudson) on

15. Upen Patel

A post shared by Upen Patel (@upenpatelworld) on

14. Bobby Roache

A post shared by BOBBY ROACHÉ (@bobbyroache) on

13. Lucas Goossens

A post shared by Lucas Goossens (@lucasgoossens) on