Calling all “Jersey Shore” fans–things are about to get wild.
As many of you know, the latest season of Jersey Shore, “Jersey Shore Family Vacation,” has brought the gang back together again. While all of the original cast is there (even Angelina makes an appearance later in the season), Sammi Sweetheart opted out of joining the reunion.
According to the castmates, Sammi and Ronnie did not end on good terms after they had broken up–Ronnie had apparently cheated on her. Now, Ronnie has a new girlfriend that he’s knocked up and is officially a dad. But, on the latest episode, Ronnie got caught red-handed cheating on his baby momma. Not cool Ronnie–cut down on the Ron Ron Juice.

In the episode, Snooki sat down with Ronnie to discuss why he keeps slipping up and cheating on his current girlfriend–who is pregnant with his child. He admitted in a 1-on-1 interview that he’s still not over Sammi.
He says:
Every man wishes that he could be with the love of his life. Being with someone for seven years and then you don’t end up with that person? Yeah, it hurts.
Throughout the first few episodes, it’s quite clear that Ronnie is not over Sammi. He continuously brings her up and speaks about her–so much so that the roommates get pretty sick of it.
He tells Snooki:
I think I just miss the feeling of security. Because that’s what she gave. You know? That’s so f-ing hard to find.
He also admitted to Snooki that he doesn’t feel the way he felt about Sammi towards his current girlfriend (who is pregnant with his baby).
No, I don’t trust her…I don’t. So all you can do is act happy and be the best father I can be. At the end of the day, I’m still f-ing miserable.
Clearly, Ronnie has a lot of things he needs to work out in his relationship and in his life. Sammi, however, has moved on and seems nothing but happy with her current boyfriend–good for her. As fans saw over the years, their relationship was nothing but toxic and unhealthy.
It’s obvious she’s winning.