Most Extra 30-Year-Old Ever Throws Herself A ‘Funeral’ For The Death Of Her 20s

Most people dread turning 30. It (falsely) signifies the death of youth and the beginning of the body’s slow disintegration into obscurity and comprehensive impotence. But though most of us agonize over the approach of the big 3-0, very few of us manage to commemorate it.

Not the case for Russian woman Mila Blatova, who succeeded in simultaneously mourning and celebrating the end of her 20s in the most extra way imaginable: Throwing this youthful decade a funeral party.

Blatova posted pictures of the macabre bash to her Facebook, resplendent in black garb and makeup and surrounded by black balloons.


The new 30-year-old discussed her motivation with UNILAD:

“My idea came from not wanting to leave my 20s and acknowledge that I’m now ‘old’. It was meant to be a funny way of accepting a new chapter in my life.”

She credits Kris Jenner for the shoot’s “drama” factor:

“The extreme drama in my photo was me channeling Kris Jenner in a meme I saw of her. I was looking for a dark twist on being boujee and super dramatic on my birthday.”

Ultimately, Blatova’s funereal celebration is all in good fun. She looks forward to “new adventures, traveling, taking care of my two little boys, and whatever else my life brings me,” though she did say she’s going to miss “just feeling young.”

“The older you get, the most frowned upon it is to be sarcastic and a little immature,” she says, striking on a truly sad fact of life.


The pictures were also taken by Mila’s sister Summer as a separate side project. Her actual birthday party was spent with friends and was undoubtedly a far more cheerful affair. She wrote:

“I asked my sister what she wanted for her birthday and she said ‘a funeral for my youth’ well your wish is my command. HAPPY FUNERAL FOR YOUR YOUTH DAY!!!!

Side note: I know I’m dramatic… but this b**ch takes the cake.”

Take the cake she does, and she deserves it! When asked what advice she has for others facing the end of their 20s, her response is heartening. “Make the most of it and don’t be afraid of still having fun regardless of your age.”