30+ College Majors As Told By ‘Jersey Shore’ Quotes

While we were all young and in high school, “Jersey Shore” was there to teach us what college had in store for us. While we were excited to finally be on our own and without our parents to stalk our lives–little did we know that university and frats/sororities were a lot like the “Jersey Shore” house. Drinking, drama, partying all night long, duck phones–sound familiar? Nope, just me? “Jersey Shore” and college have a lot more in common than you’d think. One hilarious  (and brilliant)  Twitter user came up with a way to explain every college major via Jersey Shore quotes and Twitter users loved it so much, they added their own. It’s t-shirt time, baby.

33. Engineering:

32. Philosophy:

31. Criminal justice:

30. Gender studies:

29. Undecided:

28. Geography:

27. Marine biology:

26. Political science:

25. Education:

24. Pre-Med:

23. English: