People Are Sharing Their Coming Out Couple Glo-Ups And They’re Adorably Inspiring by Lex Gabrielle 21. “It gets better, and gayer.” buzzfeed:Molly Barson 22. “He was nice and all but my girlfriend is beyond words.” buzzfeed:morganc20 23. “My HS bf and I, who also glo’ed up. And then my wife and I announcing our pregnancy!” buzzfeed:Anikka212 24. “16 to 21. Currently engaged to my beautiful fiancée and can’t wait to call her my wife. ❤” buzzfeed:magsaloo 25. “Left: Picture with a girl I like during Freshman in college Right: Picture with the guy I’m going to marry :)” buzzfeed:giancarloangelor Page 3 of 3Previous 123Next post