The Internet Is Loving This 11-Year-Old Girl Who Stood Up To Bullies Who Made Fun Of Her Culture

When someone is a bit different, kids always think the right thing to do is make fun of them and pick on them. It’s usually up to the parents to teach their children right and wrong, and about the assimilation of cultures and accepting diversity. Just because someone is a bit different than you, doesn’t make them a bad person, or wrong, or “worse.” No two people are the same, and the earlier we teach our kids to embrace differences and be proud of who they are. One mother shared her story on Twitter of her 11-year-old daughter who was teased at school because of her hairstyle. She shared that her daughter goes to a predominately white school and wears her hair supporting her black culture.

A lot of people online responded to Toshia’s tweet, proud and glad of Toshia’s daughter for having the pride to stand up for herself and her culture. Obviously, Toshia is a wonderful mother who teaches her daughter to stand up for herself in the right way.