Wikipedia Just Confirmed Kylie Jenner’s Pregnancy And Revealed When She’s Announcing

On February 25th, on an episode titled “We’re expecting,” it seems as though Kylie will finally tell the family (and the world) she’s pregnant. The episode description details that Kylie and Travis Scott have some news of their own to share with the family…following Khloé’s pregnancy announcement. So, come on, obviously, this is her way of telling everyone.

Also, what a way to keep viewership up. It was reported that viewership has been a bit low for Keeping Up with the Kardashians. If you look at the US ratings on Wikipedia, seasons 7-9 had over 3 million viewers for some episodes, but, from seasons 10 forward, viewership dropped below 1 million viewers for some episodes–which, is definitely no good for momma Jenner. She’s not having any of it. So, what better way to boost ratings than to hide your 20-year-old daughter’s pregnancy for months and reveal it on your reality TV show?

The devil works hard, but Kris Jenner always works harder.

Images: Wikipedia.