Lucy told BuzzFeed she had been dreaming about adopting a kitten for quite some time and wanted to really treasure the experience.
I’d been talking about doing a kitten announcement shoot when I was finally ready to adopt for over a year. I just wanted to celebrate my cat adoption milestone as it’s something I’ve dreamed of and worked hard for.
She even recruited her good friend Elizabeth Woods-Darby to capture the precious moments, as she’s a professional. She told BuzzFeed:
We just did the shoot as an expression of delight at Lucy finally finding and adopting her cat and had no idea it would go viral like this. Seriously, it’s been such a surprise.”
But, with these photos, how can one not think they’re going to go viral?
I mean…I don’t even know what to really say because–I’m speechless (it takes a lot to get me to say…nothing). In all honesty, if they’re into this, good for them. It’s cool they got to get their happiness and “moment” down forever, I’d probably do without the whole “birthing my new kitten” thing though. That’s just me. People online were a bit torn, as well.
Some people thought it was hilarious and sweet to do a photoshoot like this with their new kitten.
Others were deeply, deeply disturbed.
You can see all the photos on Lucy’s Facebook here:
Posted by Lucy Schultz on Saturday, January 13, 2018