People Reveal The Most Important Life Lessons They Learned Too Late


My parents divorced when I was in 5th grade and I spent every weekend at my Dad’s place 45 minutes away from that point until I graduated. I have two older siblings who were already in high school and too busy to come along, so it was just him and me all weekend ( by the time I was in HS my step-dad didn’t want me around so even if I wanted to stay I had to go). We would always go shopping Friday nights for the weekend, and plan meals we could make together (let’s try to make gumbo! Or let’s have a homemade pizza night, etc), and usually we’d rent a video too. In the summers, we would bike to the store and back. He was never the type of person to “teach lessons” I think. But, the fact that he drove an hour and a half every single weekend to pick me up ( my mom refused to drive there), and spent every weekend with me mostly just the two of us was seriously a lesson in just showing up. Loyalty has always been a big thing for me, and that’s loyalty. I never wanted to move in with him because I wanted to stay with my friends, even though my siblings told me I should. I honestly should have looking back.


Become a person you’re okay with being alone with.

People will come and go, and relationships will break down, but if you work on being a person you can look at in a mirror and say ‘hey, you’re pretty okay’ you’ll be a lot better off.


Emotions aren’t a sign of weakness, and nothing lasts forever.