Women Share The Green Flags That Let Them Know Their Partner Was The Real Deal


I was recently divorced and went to a party that I didn’t even want to go to, just so I could see an old friend from high school. Some random drunk guy walks in and stands in the kitchen drinking beer not talking to anybody. He’s wearing sunglasses indoors and it’s about 9 at night. I decided to go talk to him since everybody else was pretty lame and he seemed to be a bit older. We chit chat a bit and he says “Hey, wanna see something cool?” And whips out the Catcher in the Rye from his bookbag. That is my all time favorite book and instantly I wanted to know more about this older mystery man with a backpack full of awesome books. Turns out he was at the wrong party (we live in a college town, lots of parties) and just stuck around because nobody told him to leave and he was getting free beer. I ended up going home with him that night and just never left. 7 years later and we’re now married with two awesome kids. That catcher in the rye book really did it for me, it’s still on our bookshelf in the living room.

EDIT: Also, the first night we were together we were falling asleep and he said “you’re going to be the mother of my children” which I thought was some cute drunken rambling and 3 months later I was pregnant, after being told for year that I was infertile.


Ok, definitely ordering some saucy pasta on my next first date:

I went on a date with a guy once. It was to a nice Italian place. I had pasta. As I was swirling my pasta onto my fork, using the spoon to help, I accidntally flung some sauce onto my date. I laughed, he looked like I insulted his mother and excused himself to the bathroom.

A few months later I went on a date with another guy, and because I don’t learn from my mistakes ordered some super saucy pasta again. Same thing, but this guy laughed it off. Wiped up with his napkin and tried to fling some sauce at me.

It made me really realize how important a sense of humor is, and with as klutzy as I am, I need someone who can laugh and roll with my mistakes.



Honestly? Shortly after meeting him, and before I was even in love with him. The first time I met him, I thought, “I want this person in my life.” Even if it was just as a friend. It wasn’t instant love, it was instant relaxation. My soul, everything inside me, relaxed in his presence. I’d never felt that sensation around anyone before. It sounds stupid, but our vibes just matched so well, and it didn’t take long to realize that he had a good heart, made me laugh, was intelligent, mature, supportive, and an all-around great human being. Also, we were super compatible sexually. We started out as FWBs. Our four year anniversary is coming up and I’m still insanely happy in this relationship.


*Sheds a tear*

When I first started messaging with my long-distance boyfriend and there was talk about if we could video chat, I wanted to schedule it in advance so I’d have makeup on. And he went, “I’m sure you’re beautiful without it, but if using it makes you happy, then that’s what matters most”. Not, “Come on, you don’t need it, let’s just skype” or, “I don’t like makeup, women look prettier without it”. I was sold, and reeled that weird little dude in like the rare fish he is.


You always know someone is a POS if they are rude to the server.

My boyfriend is super friendly to servers when we go out and I noticed t right away. Our first date I honestly wasn’t really interested because from the first impression he seems like one of those self centered arrogant people. I’m glad I went with him to dinner that night or we wouldn’t be here now. He always talks so politely to servers and always uses their name. I have a second job serving and love it when customers treat me the way he does.
