Everyone Is Slamming ‘Time Magazine’ For Being Hypocrites And, They’re Absolutely Right

Time Magazine did showcase brave women for their courageous acts by giving them the cover and naming them “Person of the Year.” But, they also named Donald Trump one of the runner-ups for the title. This is a man who has sexually assaulted and harassed women for years. Who has been caught on tape saying crudeinappropriate, demeaning things about women…how dare you to include this man in the same magazine as these women, after all they have suffered through, after all they have f*cking been through. Am I wrong? I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry for being angry. I’m not sorry for feeling as though this is a slap in the face to all of the headway these women have made, all of the struggle and trials they have faced. Time Magazine, you include this man in the same category as these women? 

I’m not alone in my anger. Twitter users and celebrities are expressing their own distaste for this. Some are going as far as to call Time Magazine “hypocrites.”

I was a fan of Time Magazine, but now, I have lost all respect for their publication and this yearly tradition. How dare you.