4. Don’t spend time any of your time focusing on haters or negativity.
The best way to prepare for the effects of Mercury Retrograde is by removing all types of negativity from your life. This means that you cannot focus or think about anything negative or the haters in your life. That is just going to make matters worse.
5. Remember that if you have any doubts, don’t do it.
Another way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde is to keep in mind that if something doesn’t feel right or if you are having any doubts, you shouldn’t do it. Now is not the time to experiment or press your luck with anything.
6. Go with the flow of life.
The best way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde is just to go with the flow of your day to day life. Planning your day out leads to room for things to go wrong. You should be avoiding this at all costs during this time.
7. Have limited expectations.
This should not be a way to get through life, but for right now it is best to have very little expectations. Expectations lead to disappointment sometimes which I am sure most of us already know. Yes, you have mercury retrograde to blame if things don’t go as you expect but the whole disappointment of that is just so sad.