Drunk Purchases That Turned Out To Be Awesome Once These People Sobered Up

To Infinity and Beyond

A meteorite. It was a silent auction during a Yuri’s night event to benefit the local planetarium, and they had bottomless vodka. I still don’t know what to do with it, but I’m fucking thrilled that I own a space rock.

via MelMarie52

A Horse, Of Course.

Life-size cardboard cutout of a horse.

via GoatBees

Make It Rain

A healthy savings account. Not exactly a purchase… but drunk me often writes notes in my phone to share her drunken insights.

One night I drafted a 2-year savings plan and transferred a sensible amount of money into my savings account. One of my drunken “ideas” was to start receiving my tips in as much change as possible (I was a waitress and we pooled tips) because I was less compelled to immediately spend change. Then I would roll up the coins every two weeks and deposit them into my savings account.

I actually ended up saving $400+ just in change within a year. And it turns out I find rolling up coins very soothing.

10/10 would drink and manage finances again.

via aDILF418