7 Holiday Dates For The Couple Who’s Broke AF

4. Have a holiday movie marathon.

There really is nothing better than being cuddled up in bed with your loved one. This is a relaxing way to just enjoy each other’s presence and watch holiday classics. Who doesn’t love being all cuddled up during the cold months anyway?

5. Attend a festival of lights together.

Many towns set up an area that has a ton of lights decorating the area. Many of them are trails that you can drive through while playing holiday music. Others are just a street of houses all decorated with lights that you can walk through.

6. Create holiday cards for children in a local hospital or go shopping for a toy drive together.

There is no better way to enjoy the holiday season than by counting your blessings and providing a smile to someone in need of it. This is something so special that you could do with your significant other, and make it a tradition that you both do together.

7. Decorate your apartment together and make a night out of it.

Have a date night in where you just decorate for the holiday season. Put up a Christmas tree together or set up some lights outside of your own place. Just being together and doing something together is way better than any materialistic gift.