25 “Would You Rathers” That Are Absolutely Painful To Try And Answer

The premise of the ‘Would You Rather” is simple, you give people two choices – usually pretty bad choices – and they have to choose which one they would rather do. When we’re young, we ask silly questions like “Would you rather kiss Billy or Bobby?” But, as adults, we found some pretty terrifying choices that you most likely will feel super f*cking uncomfortable trying to answer from the glorious people of Reddit.

1. jpskim:

Would you rather have the hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you have to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

2. longnails11:

Would you rather eat a pine cone, or shit a pine cone?

3. Jenkins101:

Would you rather relive your birth or watch your conception?

4. MC_Kirk:

Would you rather smell farts all the time or drink a poop slurpie?

5. LeLupe:

Would you rather lose the ability to eat bacon or lose the ability to eat nutella?

6. Hotbuttugly:

Would you rather have your own spaceship that could take you anywhere in the universe in seconds or $20 000 000?

7. am17y:

Would you rather live the rest of your life with Cheetos dust on your fingers, or live the rest of you life wearing latex rubber gloves?

8. americanjoo:

Would you rather watch your parents have sex every night for the rest of your life or join in once to make it stop?

9. MadDannyBear:

Would you rather watch porn of your parents or watch porn with your parents?

10. zman44wyman:

Would you rather swim in a pool of your mom’s period blood or your dad’s semen?