Kendall Jenner Was Named The Highest Paid Model In The World And People Are Pretty Pissed

Bündchen has spoken out against Forbes in the past for “inflating her income” and drawing some unwanted attention from the IRS. In fact, she told MdeMulher that she was audited because of the ranking.

“It’s sad because the people who write these things don’t have my bank account details. I do okay, I earn plenty, but not as much as they say. I’ve already been audited by the IRS because of this list, and, truthfully, whether I’m on this list or not doesn’t interest me.”

But, with Kendall stealing the number one spot this year – maybe she’ll have to answer to the IRS. Who knows for sure, but, that family has more money than they know what to do with. People on Twitter weren’t too happy with Kendall making $22 million, surprisingly but not-so-surprisingly.

Tough crowd, Kenny.