For any person who loves makeup, walking into a Sephora is like walking into heaven. If the saying “a kid in a candy store” could work for adults who love makeup and beauty, it would be the exact same thing as walking into Sephora and trying on new lipstick and eyeshadows. But, when makeup artists see people damaging their most prized possessions and products (aka makeup), it’s like seeing a death in their family. Ever seen a makeup artist drop their bronzer or their eyeshadow palette? It’s not pretty. One makeup artist was taking a casual trip to Sephora to pick up some items when she saw one of the most painful sites ever – a destroyed tester station worth about $1300.
She shared the photos as a “PSA” to anyone who brings their kids to a Sephora saying:
$1300 of Make Up Forever eye shadow destroyed at Sephora tonight due to a small child. I’m sure he/she thought they were like finger paints and had no idea how naughty they were being. Tons of destroyed product and pissed Sephora cast members are a not a happy place to be. Mammas, please shop for your makeup
? without your tiny humans. It’s not fun for you…or them…or the expensive product. Anna Heath and I about passed out when we saw this atrocity. Being me, I’ve needed to bring Allie into many makeup stores as she’s grown and had a strict ‘hands in pockets’ rule for her and a strict 10-minute rule for me. It was very helpful so if you must take your kiddos makeup shopping I suggest trying it.
This massive demolished palette makes me?. Makeup should always make me
*It looked 100X worse in real life and I don’t work for Sephora. I was just walking in as the mom/kid were hustling out of there.
Wow – that’s actually hard for even me to look at (and, I’m not that into makeup at all). It just shows an irresponsible mother who didn’t watch her kid in a store – even if it were destroying a different display in a furniture store, glasses store, clothing store – it’s wrong to allow your kid to create damage without any consequences. It’s bad parenting – in my opinion. People on Facebook were in agreement that it was the parent’s fault and a problem for allowing their kid to act this way.
Someone else decided to share the post on Twitter, as well, and people are really unhappy looking at these photos.