College Student With Severe Acne Won’t Date Because She Doesn’t Want Guys To Think She’s Catfishing

Dating in today’s day and age can be hard for anyone, with social media and filters being deceiving. But, for some people, the current state of society and their notion to judge anyone who wears makeup or uses filters can be traumatizing enough to swear off dating altogether.

19-year-old Abigail Collins has completely sworn off dating due to her fear of being called a “catfish” over the amount of makeup she wears to hide her cystic acne. Collins, who has been suffering from severe acne since the age of 10, spends two hours every morning applying concealer and foundation to her face to mask her breakouts.

Collins told Daily Mail,

I’ve struggled to get into relationships as I was so self-conscious about my skin and how it looked, especially to someone romantically, so I tried, and still do, to avoid this.

I don’t date purely because I don’t want anyone to think I’m a catfish or that I’m not being honest about the way I look. It’s so difficult to understand and see how another person interprets you.

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❗️ TEXTURE ❗️ Without fail I would edit this to get rid of my bumps and texture to try and make everyone think I had flawless skin when in reality – I don’t. For me, my skin is very bad on the lower portion of my face. from my eyes down in the very centre of my face it is genuinely like the alps. The amount of texture and spots that occur there is unreal. The most annoying thing is the spots that never seem to disappear or the ones that only get bigger and bigger. I absolutely hate when people constantly stare and whisper in public places about my skin or the people that offer their opinions and tips on things that they think would help ?. If I had a pound for every time someone suggests some miracle product from lush I would be a millionaire! But let’s be real, texture is not the worst thing in the world at all and I’m very grateful that this is all I get. • • • • #cysticacne #acne #acnescars #acneproblems #acnecoverage #adultacne #acneskin #hormonalacne #acnepositivity #acneprone #acnecommunity #pcos #pcoscommunity #pcossucks #skinpositivity

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Collins explained that as she began reaching puberty, her acne started to appear. By 2014, she developed cystic acne and it began to expand all over her face. She said that some of the breakouts have left her with life-long scarring. And, Collins said it has severely affected her childhood.

‘Growing up it was very difficult to accept my skin and do normal teenage things.

Some days, Collins would show up to school late because she wanted to make sure her entire face was covered—hiding all of her acne from the world.

I felt like I had to wear make-up every day for school and I was often late because I had to make sure everything was covered, so it would take me one or two hours to get ready.

In school I felt as if nobody wanted to associate themselves with me because of the way I looked, which meant I had very few friends and a poor social life at this point in my life.

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the glasses of absolute doom and demise – but this is a good example of why I get breakouts where they sit, I have to compromise my vision or get spots so stay off the roads because best believe I’d rather be blind ??‍♀️ – just wish my dermatologist would listen to me and realise that the breakouts I have had for years there are caused by my glasses ( sometimes the only breakouts I have had on my face while seeing her ) ((but thats none of my business)). – hands up though if you have feel failed by dermatologists and feel like they don’t listen to you at all ??‍♀️ – but on a positive note, my momma said my skin looks better so it must be true ? . . . . . #acneskin #acne #acnescars #acneproblems #acnecoverage #acnejourney #acnehelp #acnecommunity #acneprone #acneproneskin #acnelife #adultacne #acnesucks #skinpositivity #freethepimple #pimple #pimpleproblems #pcos #pcoslifestyle #pcossupport #pcossucks #pcoslife #pcosjourney #pcosawareness #pcoscommunity #acneappreciation #acneawareness #cysticacne #acnepositivity

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Throughout school, Collins was bulliedbecause of her skin and felt that she always needed to cover it up to make sure she fit in. But, after moving away to attend college, she began to get more comfortable with leaving the house make-up free. She noticed that no one cared about how she looked and around her second year in university, she stopped wearing makeup to classes and lectures.

I realised that none of the people around me noticed my skin to a great extent. Also, being a student doesn’t leave you with a huge amount of time to get ready in the mornings either, so I made myself skip make-up some mornings and then it became more frequent.

Now, it’s rare I wear any to university. If I’m going out somewhere nice with friends or family, then I will wear make-up, but if it’s just to do something casual like going to the supermarket, then I will skip it. has also used Instagram as a way to connect with others who are undergoing the same struggles and skin issues. She frequently shares all-natural photos online, trying to help and inspire those who felt as uncomfortable and ashamed as she did at a young age.

Instagram has helped me so much as I’ve seen so many other people who look like me and made me feel less alone. It’s nice to be able to chat to people about how I’m feeling or how our skin is doing that day, which is something you can’t discuss with most people.

I hope to show others that acne doesn’t define you and that you’re never as alone as you feel. There are always people out there who can relate and understand what you are going through and can support you.

h/t: Daily Mail