10 Meaningful Things I Wish I Thanked My Dad For

6. Thank you for showing me the importance of family.

Thank you for giving me a sister and showing me the importance of loving and protecting her. Thank you for never turning your back on me when things got hard. Thank you for showing me that family means never judging you, never mistreating you and never leaving you.

7. Thank you for teaching me how to hold my liquor.

Tequila has nothing on you, but definitely a lot on me. Thanks for teaching me “beer before liquor gets you sicker,” and sneaking beers to me under the table at Christmas.

8. Thank you for supporting me through everything I’ve done.

The acting classes, the dance classes, the other random activities I took part in for a day before I got bored. Thank you for being my biggest support. Thank you for not giving up on me when I gave up on myself. Thank you for also not turning on me when I made mistakes.

9. Thank you for showing me what a real man should be.

Thank you for being the best father for your two little girls and making sure all of our needs in life were met. Thank you for loving mom with all that you have. You’ve shown me what a real man should be, how he should act and what I should find in my future relationships, husband, and father of my own children.

10. Thank you for being my best friend and the person who I know will always understand me.

Thank you for always being by my side, and for being my rock through thick and thin. Thank you for never letting me down.