8 Ways You Come Off Thirsty AF When It Comes To Dating

4. You give it up too soon.

Like I said, guys love a good chase. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with sleeping with a guy too soon, but sometimes, guys will label you in a certain way. Is it right? No. Is it fair? No. Is it a double standard? Absolutely. But, it’s absolutely the truth when it comes to dating. Dating experts will say more often than not, a woman should “wait to sleep with a guy” for a certain number of dates. I’d say – maybe 3-4. But, it’s also up to you entirely. Your body, your rules. Just know, guys are sometimes a**holes that put you in a “box.”

5. You like everything on his social media profiles.

Stop liking every single picture. Do not like all of his statuses’. Stop retweeting everything he tweets. You’re going to look like a stalker. Maybe you do look at his social media 4x a day – but he shouldn’t know that. You aren’t a groupie, don’t act like one. It’s embarrassing for everyone involved.

6. You buy him anything at all.

When you guys are in the “stage before a relationship” you should not spend your money on him. Do not go buying him any presents “just because.” It may seem like a nice gesture, but guys get freaked out by it. It starts to seem like you want him to “owe you something” in return, and when that happens, they go running for the hills.

7. You talk about any future at all together.

If you are not his girlfriend yet, there is no reason to talk about any future. It comes off as clingy and needy. You need to let things happen between you two naturally. You can’t force it, and talking about things in a few months from now or a year from now makes it seem as though you’re pushing for a future, rather than seeing if you two can naturally get there. Guys don’t want to be forced, they need to get there when they’re ready.

8. You tag him in way too many memes.

Alright – so I had to include this one because #memesarelife. But, if you’re constantly tagging him on things online, it’s going to seem as though you’re trying too hard. Sure, you want to make him laugh and yes, you want to show him you’re thinking of him, but other people can see when you tag him in things and he’ll think you’re trying to “claim him” on social media for other females to back off. Guys are crazy – they really think this way. Back it up, girl.