23 People Confess The Scariest Moments They’ve Ever Lived Through & They’ll Keep You Up At Night

October is always the month for spooky, scary and terrifying things. Why? Because Halloween is just around the corner and everyone wants to give me nightmares, obviously. What better pastime to celebrate the Halloween spirit than sharing scary, ghost stories that have been passed down for generations? But, let’s face it – we’ve all heard the majority of the good ones. So, instead of hearing the same stories that you heard at camp as a kid, how about some real stories from real people that’ll scare the sh*t out of you? Just ask Reddit, they always deliver.

1. youngandlucky:

Kinda creepy at the time, but scary afterwards.

Long time ago driving from Bowral to Berrima in New South Wales (a State in Australia), my wife and I were flagged down by a guy asking to borrow a car jack because his van (which he said was his sisters, and yes it was white) had a flat and his jack didn’t work.

Guy was creepy and we just said nah mate and took off. A while later we saw the photo of the serial killer Ivan Milat (who had been caught by then). Pretty sure it was him and the van fitted.

2. Phoboss:

I went on a guided cemetery tour at night. About six or seven of us were standing around a tomb listening to the story of how the inhabitant had killed himself with a gun when all of a sudden there was a big flash and the whole sky lit up green with smaller flashes. We found out later that we had witnessed a meteor breaking up. So the tour guide takes a moment, recovers from the surprise, and continues his story about how some decades after the poor chap had killed himself someone broke into his tomb and stole his skull.

We then moved on, and walked further into the cemetery when we were startled by a loud bang. We shrugged it off as a car backfiring, laughed nervously at how on edge we were and continued the tour. Shortly after we hear a couple more bangs in quick succession, and one of the tour party commented that they were pretty sure they were gunshots. There was another bang, closer. Definitely a gunshot. Then we saw a light inbetween some of the headstones and I kid you not, we saw the figure of a man carrying a shotgun, slowly coming from the direction of the tomb we had just been at. We froze. I looked over to the tour guide, thinking it was some prank he plays on all his customers, but he was completely white and was backing away. It was a man with a shotgun and he was walking towards us. He lifted a flashlight and pointed it directly at us. Several of us ducked behind the headstones as he yelled, “Get out of here! What the hell are you doing in this place!?” Turns out the city council pays some guy to shoot possums in the cemetery and they forgot to warn the tour company.

3. happy_go_lucky11:

Growing up my mom my was a bartender, she was a single parent, so I took care of my little brother most nights. One night while I was making dinner I kept hearing a strange whistling sound, but I didn’t think much of it because it was storming pretty hard outside. But the whistling continued and it started to sound more like a melody than whistling from a storm. I started to get a little freaked out and asking my little brother if he was hearing it too; he wasn’t. Eventually the whistling stops, but it’s still storming pretty badly. Fast forward to the end of the night when I’m going to bed. I’m climbing up the ladder of my bunk bed and my tv shuts off. I think maybe the power went out, but the hallway light is still on. I try to turn it back on and nothing happens, so I reach around my tv stand and realize that it’s been unplugged. At the same time I hear the whistling, only this time its not in the distance, it sounded like someone was whistling directly into my ear. I could almost feel their breath, it sent chills down my spine; it still sends chills down my spine. At that moment I took off running out of our house screaming! We lived in an apartment with 3 other units, so I woke the neighbors above us. They were younger couple with two kids and offered to come check out our house. I could tell at the time the guy thought I was just a stupid kid hearing things, but was trying to make me feel better. My brother and I waited outside of our apartment while he went inside to check it out for us. After a few minutes he came back and he seemed a little agitated and asked if you’re playing a prank on him. This really scared me and I told him we weren’t playing a prank on him. He could probably see we were telling the truth by our faces, because I could see the fear roll over his face. He said he looked everywhere and did not find anyone, but was convinced someone was in our home. They invited us to stay in their apartment until my mom was home from work, because they didn’t feel comfortable with us staying alone. I never heard the whistling again, but so many other strange things happened to my brother and me in that apartment. I’m convinced it was haunted. I’m not sure if the story will be scary to any of you, but that was the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life.