These Pimple Cakes Have Poppable Zits And Wow, Try Not To Puke

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Man, I want to get my buddy a unique birthday cake, but I sort of hate them and want to ruin their special day by doing so,” then BOY is your sociopathic self in for a wonderful treat!

At least if you live in Malaysia. Their country has gifted the world with The Cakescape, a bakery that has for the last several months been whipping up pimple cakes! It’s exactly what it sounds like. Cakes, in the shape of faces, with pimples on them. POPPABLE PIMPLES!

The zits are realistic enough to potentially cause some discomfort, and their squeezability renders them interactive too! Simply squeeze on either side like you would do a real pimple, and gnarly clumps of white sugary confection oozes out, just like real pus!

Posted by 走咯 我们吃喝旅行去 on Monday, October 9, 2017

Wow. Extremely chill. The Cakescape told Mashable it has sold about 20 of these cakes over the last year, and that sales are on the rise. Their rising popularity is attributed mostly to their gimmicky nature, but there are probably some freaks out there who’d genuinely get down with this cake.

Posted by 走咯 我们吃喝旅行去 on Monday, October 9, 2017

You can even customize it with a nameplate necklace! The popularity of pimple popping has been skyrocketing over the past couple years, partly because of doctors like Dr. Pimple Popper learning about the Internet, partly because The Internet at large has room for all sorts of people to find each other and form little communities where they enjoy pus escaping bodily fissures together.

Anyway. To each their own.

Posted by The Cakescape, Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, October 10, 2017

h/t Mashable