This Woman Is Taking Selfies With Her Catcallers, Who Don’t Even Realize They’re Creeps

And perhaps here is where we’ve really hit at the crux of this disturbing matter. These catcallers don’t realize how unwanted their attention is, could never comprehend even after having been ignored that their behavior is not registered as a compliment. They are not embarrassed to have their pictures taken and do not question motive because their heads are so far up their asses it’s like their bad hairdos are stroking their own gd egos from within.


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“They’re not at all suspicious because they find what they do completely normal,” she told Dutch newspaper Het Parool, then translated via the Independent.

Mmmmmm beautiful sweet girl #dearcatcallers

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Jansma’s unsmiling, unaffected face juxtaposed with the toothy grins of her harassers is symbolic of the universality of these behaviors. What woman hasn’t experienced this? By blasting them on her Instagram, often with their own jeers as the caption, she is reclaiming her power as a woman and independent human worthy of respect.

slowly following me 2 streets shouting "sexy!" and "wanna come in my car?" #dearcatcallers

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Some of these creeps follow her, call her baby, sexy, sweet, blow kisses, touch her.

Nog een keer #dearcatcallers *psssssst, kissing sounds and whistling"

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Although her project is over, Jansma plans to pass her account on to different girls around the world to show that “it’s a global phenomenon and that this art-project is not only about me.” She thanks everyone for the support (the account garnered nearly 160,000 followers in less than a months time!) and ends her message by saying how the account ” has made it clear that catcalling is still a common occurrence that many of us are dealing with.”

#dearcatcallers "baby! Baby! *whisting*"

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Starting January 1, 2018, catcalling will be punishable by law in Netherlands and violators will be subject to fines of up to 190 Euros (~$220). Hopefully more countries will take a page out of their book.