If You Have One Of These 10 Habits, You May Suffer From Concealed Depression

Depression is a scary beast. Like many mental illnesses it goes undiagnosed for long periods of time, slowly plunging its victims into deeper despair like toxic quicksand. Concealed depression may be even scarier; Those who suffer from it have conditioned themselves to hide their inner turmoil so well that their emptiness and isolation virtually goes unnoticed, even by those closest to them. They are left to suffer alone, having convinced their families, partners, and friends that there are no problems.

Musician Chester Bennington recently took his own life after struggling with concealed depression his entire life. A mere 36 hours before his death, a heartbreaking video taken by his wife Talinda shows him laughing and playing with his kids, a prime example of just how camouflaged this type of depression can be.

“Depression doesn’t have a face or a mood”

It is important not to self-diagnose or diagnose others, but if you find yourself or someone you know constantly indulging in some of the following behaviors, it is definitely time to talk to someone. No matter how alone you may feel, there are people who specialize in helping those who feel exactly like you do. For many, it’s easier to talk to a stranger than it is to a loved one.

1. You’ve lost interest in your favorite activities

All of the things that used to bring you joy no longer do. You feel as though you are constantly waiting for something, but you aren’t sure what it is…and in the meantime, you’re painfully aware of the fact that life is passing you by.

2. Or you partake in habitual remedies

Not all people who suffer from concealed depression behave in the exact same way. You may also find yourself making lifestyle changes or partaking in certain habits as a way of bringing order to your inner tumult, habits such as running, weightlifting, going for a walk through the park, shopping, etc.

3. You have abnormal sleeping and eating habits

Abnormal means insomnia or constant exhaustion, having no appetite or feeling perpetual hunger. You’ve convinced yourself you are in control of these “basic” daily rituals, but you go about it in an unhealthy way.

4. You have fear of abandonment

Those suffering from depression feel as though they are a burden to their loved ones. They don’t want to reveal the true extent to which they are suffering because they are worried this sort of pressure will cause their loved ones to leave.

5. You go out of your way to appear happy

Classic case of overcompensation. Depression is not just a mood it is so strong a force that is alters behavior. You hide your true emotions and put on a cheery act when interacting with people because you don’t want to bring them down and because you’ve been doing it so long its become a conditioned response.