As a woman, I just hope that one day I have as many rights as a gun does.
— Alison Leiby (@AlisonLeiby) December 17, 2015
I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, b/c I didn't immediately get out of his way as he was walking towards me & now he's perplexed.
— Frankie (@phranqueigh) August 25, 2016
When a guy gets dumped by a girl and says, 'She had issues,' I assume one issue was that she didn't like him.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) October 7, 2014
WOMAN: I wish to no longer be mansplained things
GENIE: Okay {POOF} *turns her into a guy*
MAN: What I actually meant was…
GENIE: oh jeez
— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) June 10, 2016
i'll rest my bitch face when I'm dead.
— Kim Monte (@KimmyMonte) August 23, 2017
Telling a woman to get back in the kitchen is a weird insult to lob on Twitter. We can still tweet from kitchens. We have wifi & data plans.
— Living Marble (@living_marble) April 14, 2016
did u get my dm pic.twitter.com/YFtay3nSpZ
— ?Kirsten Howard? (@emotionalpedant) September 25, 2015
When men have the flu vs when women are on their deathbeds pic.twitter.com/YrDbNY0XSt
— melyssa ford. (@jameelajoie) September 18, 2016
The patriarchy's fatal mistake was installing windows over the kitchen sink so we could see what was outside.
— Boo Mancino-Williams (@Manda_like_wine) January 13, 2015
"Where'd you meet him?"
"On the Internet. I fell in love with him because of the delicate care he used to explain my joke back to me."— Kashana (@kashanacauley) June 15, 2016