19 People Reveal The One Fetish They Will Just Never Understand

You know the rules. If it’s a thing, there’s a fetish for it. Balloons? Sure. My Little Pony? You betcha. Clowns? Ugh, probably. If it can be sexualized, it will be. And often, it can be sexualized when you’re positive it can’t be. Point is, we’re all freaks.

Over on AskReddit, people were asked about the one fetish they’ll never understand. Most of them are gross, all of them are super NSFW, and some of them will send you into spirals wondering about how the person got there.

Like — how does one discover a fetish for Hot Wheels cars? No judgements, but like… maybe a little judgement.

1. From user NapClub:

scat. it’s just fucking gross.

2. From user captainmagictrousers:

“Pedal pumping.” A girl gets her car stuck in the mud, or the car won’t start or whatever, and they pump the gas to try to get going again. …And that’s it. That’s all it is. There’s no mechanic who comes along and offers to fix the car in exchange for a BJ. The girls don’t get out of the car, fall in the mud, and start mud wrestling. It’s just the girl pumping the gas pedal. One of the few fetishes that’s so boring, you can put the videos on YouTube and they won’t get deleted, because nobody realizes it’s supposed to be sexy.

What the hell is hot about that?

3. From user Paricia:

Fucking dead people. Like they are cold af, why would you want to stick your dick into that? Or have a cold stick in you?

4. From user Baby_Dinosaur_Yoshi:

Anything involving bodily fluids (shit/piss/etc) or gore

5. From user analest-analyst:

TBH I never got ass fucking.

What? It’s almost as if women’s vayjays were custom built for my dick. Why do I need to go around back?

Don’t get me wrong. If a woman desires a good ass pounding, I’ll be pounding ass. But it’s nothing I’ll push for.