Kit Harrington And Emilia Clarke Are In A New Ad Together And We’re Feeling So Blessed

It’s barely been a week since we got to see Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke — as Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen respectively — finally seal the incestuous deal on the Game of Thrones season 7 finale.

It was everything we thought it would be. Including a little gross.

Still though, we can’t get enough of these two and that’s why this new Dolce and Gabbana ad is the perfect thing for us to feast our thirsty eyes on while we wait for Game of Thrones to come back.

The ad campaign features Emilia:

And Kit:

As their sexy real-life selves dancing through the streets of Italy, eating pasta and mingling with locals. Basically what we’d all want to be doing if we could do anything. Needless to say, a single glimpse at these two is enough to send any GoT fan into hyperventilation mode.

It may not be another season, but it’s something, and it has us feeling BLESSED.