Everyone Is Finally Coming Face-to-Face On Next Week’s Season Finale of GoT

Season Seven of Game of Thrones happens to be a short season – only seven episodes. That’s because some of the episodes exceeded the 60-minute mark this season and, writers and producers decided to cut the “final season” into two short seasons – Season Seven and Season Eight.

Now that we’ve had six jam-packed episodes, we’re almost at the season finale, which appears next week. During last night’s episode, we finally had a lot of questions answered and progress was most definitely made. Now, Jon Snow is not going around complaining about Winter and White Walkers without actual proof – seeing as Dany saw them with her own two eyes (as well as some others). But, even worse, we now have a White Dragon to deal with and fear. Does he spit fire? Does he spit ice? Will he die with dragonglass? Will Dany be able to even kill her own child?

So, so many questions are now unanswered – until next week.

In the preview for Episode Seven – the season finale – we’re getting something everyone has been waiting for. Everyone is finally coming face-to-face at King’s Landing.

We saw during this episode that Sansa Stark received a raven inviting her to King’s Landing – but declined to go (she sent Brienne instead). But, we’re seeing in this preview everyone else is joining in on the family reunion of the Lannisters.

Tyrion has spoken to his brother Jamie recently but hasn’t seen Cersei since he escaped his execution. Now, he’s coming face-to-face with the fact that he’s standing on the opposite side of his family and his family’s army. It may be uncomfortable and awkward for these three to hash things out – but, knowing Tyrion, he’ll have some witty comments about the entire thing.

We also have Jon Snow coming face-to-face with Cersei and the family that slaughtered the rest of his family – although he isn’t aware he’s not actually a Stark. There has to be some emotional distraught for him. But, he is there for one sole purpose – to get the Lannisters to ally with them against the White Walkers.

It’s time for everyone to put their sh*t aside and team up against the Army of the Dead. But, will they be able to?

Knowing Cersei Lannister – I think not.