There’s Now A “Ken Doll” With A Man-Bun Because, Of Course There Is

Are you kidding me?

As people progress within society and new trends come to light, it seems as though companies are always trying to keep up with the “latest hip and happening things.” That sentence was not hip nor happening, but you get where I’m going with this.

Companies – especially toy/gaming companies, are always trying to stay on top of cultural trends and social phenomenons to make the most profit they can.

So, as society progresses and Millennial fashion/culture trends keep evolving, what is a toy company – say Barbie – supposed to do?

Create dolls that encompass Millennials, of course.

Meet the latest members of “Barbie’s Crew” – they all feature signature Millennial aspects and cultural fashions.

Although each new member of Barbie’s friends has their own, individual personalities and fashion – like some bright, bright blue hair – one that struck us dead was the new Ken doll with a man-bun.

Yes, that’s a big ol’ plastic man-bun on this Barbie doll’s head.

Society – you never cease to disappoint me.