Twitter Celebrated This Girl Conquering Her Biggest Fear & We’re Living For It

Yes. Yes. YES.

Sometimes, social media can be something of beauty and magic. While there are plenty of online bullies and evil trolls – there are also people with big hearts who want to share love, light and wisdom. Sometimes, we find moments where we have faith in humanity again, thanks to social media.

Like this one moment, where a young girl conquered her fear of going to the beach in a bathing suit – she has a genetic problem with gaining weight – and Twitter celebrated her immensely.

Paris Harvey is a 13-year-old who suffers from a condition that causes her to gain weight fast, and, she has had a problem with her body-image due to this. She spoke to The Huffington Post about how much she had been bullied as a child due to her weight.

But, recently, Paris conquered her fear and wore a bathing suit to the beach. She also shared the moment on Twitter.

So many people were proud of Paris for conquering her fear that thousands of them responded to her beautiful pictures.

Paris told The Huffington Post: 

“I feel like we should embrace who we are. You shouldn’t have to change yourself to make others feel comfortable around you. Focus on yourself.”

 Yes, Paris, we see your beautiful, bright, shining wisdom and we love it!