F*ck The Money: Why You Always Need To Follow Your Passion

Don’t listen to anyone else but yourself.

When you go through life, you’re going to have people who are going to try and give you the “best advice” on how they think you should live. They’re going to tell you exactly what they think is best for you, no matter how long they’ve known you or how long they will remain in your life. Even now, me writing this article – in a sense – is telling you how to live your life. And, I probably have no idea who the f*ck you are.

I’m not going to tell you how to live your life and what you should do – but I am going to tell you this:

Out of all the advice I’ve gotten in my own life, the biggest load of bullsh*t I’ve ever heard was that making a career out of doing what I love is stupid.

So often in life, you’re going to have to make choices – big, important ones. The biggest choice of all is going to be what you decide to do for the rest of your life, your career. When deciding what you’re going to major in throughout your time in college and what you want to do for a living – one of the biggest contributing factors for most people seems to be: where can I make the most amount of money.

Why is it that society has imprinted on our minds that money is the key to happiness? Yes, it is nice to not have to worry and stress about paying your bills and I’m sure everyone would rather be able to get exactly what they want, when they want it. However, why are people so willing to sacrifice what they love in order to obtain this?

When you settle for a career path that you feel just “eh” about, it makes life suck. You end up being one of those employees who dreads going to work, hates being there and only looks forward to going home. Your work suffers, your life suffers – you suffer.

Imagine how incredible life would be if you chose to go after your passion – what you truly love to do. Your work would no longer feel like work and instead, you’d be enjoying yourself while doing it. You would come up with better ideas and products, because you’re happy with doing what you love.

Lead psychologists that study employees in several career fields have found that those who have chosen jobs in fields that they enjoy and love are more successful, obtain promotions faster and have a higher quality of life.

Who can argue with that?

Money isn’t everything. It’s nice to cry in a BMW, but it’s even nicer to not cry at all. If you’re constantly revolving your life around money, you’re only going to have superficial satisfaction. You’re denying yourself of any authentic joy and happiness in life because you are only chasing superficial needs. Your passions become obsolete and you’ll find yourself questioning why you never chased your dreams to begin with.

If you love something – I mean really love something – don’t give up on that dream.

I won’t tell you what to do with your life – but, I’ll tell you that chasing my passion has been the greatest decision I have ever made.