Kylie Jenner Deletes And Re-Posts Bikini Pic After Getting Dragged For Photoshop Fail

Folks getting pissed at celebrities for photoshopping their pictures is perhaps counterproductive at this point. You know they photoshop every single picture they release to the public. True candids? Rare. So, just be at peace with the facade. Or get angry when they do it poorly. It’s literally their job. So this Kylie Jenner photoshop fail? Rookie mistake. Get it right, woman.

Kylie was posing in her bazillion dollar pool and showing off her butt when people who study these things noticed there was a dent in the pool—the kind of dent that is created whenever you use the tool in a photoshopping app that bends and stretches parts of your body so you get the shape you want. But Kylie didn’t see her mistake.
Kylie jenner photoshop, Kylie Jenner photoshop fail, kylie jenner pics, kylie jenner bikini, kylie jenner bikini pic

The Instagram post was captioned “Taco Tuesday,” which means “Look at me, I’m really rich and in a pool!” Where are the tacos? Why the misleading captions? Just be honest! Or is there something deeper going on? Is “Taco Tuesday” a metaphor for the human condition?

Apparently, Kylie did fix the egregious error and took down the bad photoshop picture, replacing it with one that doesn’t bend the pool. And then people were mad she didn’t “show her work” or whatever it’s called when you post a badly photoshopped pic and then fix it on the sly.

Look, she might be falling down on the job, but let the girl live! Kylie Jenner is clearly going through something (when she’s not twerking with friends)