23 Pictures Everyone Should Send To Their Most Incompetent Coworker And Just Say ‘You’d Do This’

We’ve all had that one coworker who is so incompetent at their job you’re not just surprised they haven’t gotten fired, but also how they managed to even make it to adulthood. Meanwhile, you’re doing the exact same job but you know…correctly, and yet you’re their peer.

How these products managed to make it out into the world is only a surprise if you’ve never worked with one of these complete idiots. The real issue not that they’re spectacularly terrible at their job, but their also out there voting and raising kids. That’s what keeps me up at night.

1. This bathroom stall setup where at least no one can see your face.

This design
byu/Yamezj inWTF

2. This bread bag that makes a perfectly good loaf of bread look moldy.

This bread packaging that makes it look like is moldy 🤢
byu/chmiiller inCrappyDesign

3. This “complementary” water kettle. IT’S A TRAP.

My Hotel offers a kettle and glasses to use – but has a folder in a drawer with rules. One of them says you have to pay a fine if you use the kettle.
by inassholedesign

4. This Kleenex box showing one of Spider-Mans lesser know superpowers.

Spiderman’s Web Kleenex
byu/realgrandpa inCrappyDesign

5. This bag of cranberries. There’s got to be a better way to get nutrients in there.

byu/RetroMemez420 inCrappyDesign

6. This mural. Who said being a hero is a thankless job?

Just why…
byu/ComunistCow inCrappyDesign

7. This headline/photo mashup that is pretty much horrifying.

Just why…
byu/ComunistCow inCrappyDesign

8. This beautiful open floorplan ruined by a weird fridge cubby.

Who thought this placement would be a good idea?
byu/agdietzel inCrappyDesign

9. This pencil that gets cooler as you sharpen it.

Bad design
byu/meatpieguy infunny

10. This clever ad that basically says “we sell stuff.”

Bad design
byu/meatpieguy infunny

11. These “I ❤️ GYM” ??socks:

My gf's gym socks.
byu/atteros806 inCrappyDesign

12. This cake for a 2-year-old, and let’s be honest, they call it the terrible twos for a reason.

A friend’s two-year old’s birthday cake
byu/randyfloyd37 inCrappyDesign

13. This typography fail.

All ye shall come to me for the healing of burgers
byu/deadpoolyes inCrappyDesign

14. This box for an unbreakable wine glass so your drunk-ass kid stops dropping hers.

Mother-daughter bonding at its finest
byu/pochama55 inCrappyDesign

15. This yoga mat that’s trying to get you to quit yoga.

Yoga mat is unintentionally pessimistic (x-post from r/mildlyinfuriating)
byu/skankyfish inCrappyDesign

16. This typography fail FROM A DESIGN SCHOOL.

The DESIGN SCHOOL I graduated from sent this postcard out
byu/edrini inCrappyDesign

17. This mixed message.

This was on a school backpack. I'm still not sure about it.
byu/Natalie_Winter inCrappyDesign

18. This unsolvable maze on a children’s menu, which is actually a great life lesson for them.

Teaching kids the harsh reality of life
byu/MyBoener inCrappyDesign

19. This clock that ain’t lying. We’re all a meat hello.

Teaching kids the harsh reality of life
byu/MyBoener inCrappyDesign

20. This lazy photoshop job.

The attention to detail is unreal.
byu/TheNakedWorm inCrappyDesign

21. This shirt advertising something unintended.

Imagine having to wear this for your job
byu/sovietmetalhead inCrappyDesign

22. This shirt design that doesn’t look very warm.

This shirt you can't wear anything over, unless you want to look like you have permanent pokey nipples
byu/ConfusedGirlfriend inCrappyDesign

23. This sign with the brail dots painted on.

Braille on a sign that isn't raised
byu/BlazeX344 inmildlyinfuriating



h/t: BuzzFeed