Dad’s had a day, okay? He’s trying his best, but you kids are really stressing him out. Dad doesn’t know up from down, left from right, and he really just wants to sit down and put his feet up for five freaking seconds without you setting fire to the guest room bed, or something. Is that to much to ask? Yes. Yes it is.
Moms and dads are always on the edge of completely losing it, as anyone responsible for the health and safety of tiny maniacs would be. That means they sometimes goof off, make mistakes, or cause trouble in their own unique dad ways. The results are often hilarious, if also a little scary. You never know what a dad who has been pushed to far is capable of. He may be the one who starts a small contained fire. Just keep an eye on dad.
17. Dad whose got one too many fish in the fryer

16. Boiled as a peanut dad
15. Dad of the woods
14. Dad who wants a QB too hard
13. Dad turned bad
I’ve been building my son’s trust with high fives for three years.
Today I’m going to hit him with a “too slow”.
Welcome to the real world, son.
— The Good Doctor ???? (@Demented_Jokes) July 11, 2018
12. Desperate for snacks dad
11. Dad who dresses the kid for success
10. Handy man dad
9. Sabotaging dad
8. Dad who stop to snap a pic
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I wondered why it had gone quiet! #climbingbaby #silenceisworrying #dadfail