Chrissy Teigen Calls Out Racist Twitter User After She Deletes Her Disgusting Tweets

There’s been a lot going on this week on Twitter between celebrities. From Kanye West’s ranting about…well…everything that pops into his head, to Bill Cosby’s verdict–I feel like I’ve aged 5 years.

With all of these conversations, politics, race, and beliefs have been at the forefront of many people’s timelines. Including, model and TV host Chrissy Teigen. Her husband, John Legend, had reached out to Kanye West about the very conservative and Trump-supporting tweets he had issued this week–including one in which he was seen wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

A lot of people had conflicting feelings on social media. Some were in support of Legend and others were in support of West–it’s America, we’re always divided. Some people, however, decided it was the “perfect place” to insert racist and horrible comments about the situation. Wrong. Wrong. So wrong.

One woman–named Shawna Maresco–replied to Chrissy Teigen’s tweet about her husband saying:

Waiting for John Legend to be more specific on what policies are directed towards people of color to hurt them? The unemployment rate for african Americans is the lowest it’s been in the history of US. Wondering if he thinks they should just keep living off government handouts?

So–generalizing an entire culture and race is completely okay? Nope. Never. Teigen saw the tweet and replied in the most Chrissy-Teigen-way possible, tagging her husband and telling him to explain.

However, after she had replied, Shawna decided to delete the tweets. But, don’t worry, Teigen was there to call her out.

Twitter was there to ensure Teigen that they saved her tweets (screenshots are forever, y’all).

After getting a ton of backlash, Shawna decided to change her Twitter to–hacked.

Wow, impeccable timing to have your account hacked–don’t ya think? Turns out, a lot of Twitter users read through her previous posts and saw that many of her tweets matched up to what she had said to Teigen. Sucks to be racist nowadays when everyone can see it–doesn’t it? Bye Shawna! Better luck next time!