In 6th grade I had a really big crush on this boy who had a girlfriend, so one day on aim I messaged him a link to the music video for “you belong with me” by Taylor Swift. Joe if you’re reading this that was weird, my bad
— Katie Sutherland (@ksuth96) January 9, 2018
This lady at my work today told me her ex husband cheated on her so she made him a “beef and rice” dinner with alpo dog food mixed in and didn’t tell him till after he ate the whole thing that if he wanted to act like a dog she would feed him like one & I’m still laughing
— •emma• (@emma_s_cole) March 23, 2018
today in class this guy I was sitting next to had a bag of carrots & the entire class he kept throwing them into his backpack. I asked him what he was doing & he was like “oh sorry do u want one? they’re for Kent” and then just whips open his backpack to show his chinchilla Kent
— char (@charlottejorrey) December 4, 2017
Please enjoy this fantastic video of my friend Stevie. It’s one of my favorite things ever pic.twitter.com/gTDaioUtOR
— Abam (@AdamBroud) March 12, 2018
Earlier today I went to a girl’s highschool soccer game and there was a rough play where two players went to the ground. I guess one of them pulled the other’s hair so she gets up and says “I liked it better when your bf pulled my hair” not even the ref knew what to do. I fainted
— Ricky Corona (@RickyCoronaa) December 30, 2017
Today the drug dog came to our school and he stopped by my car and wouldn’t move so I had to go out there and unlock it so he could search my car and it was because of the dog treats I keep in there
— shammy (@sammy_gwin) March 22, 2018
Before my mum passed away, she gave my dad strict instructions to water the plants in the bathroom. He’s been religiously watering them & keeping them alive. They look so amazing he decided to take them to his new home, only to discover they are plastic! Can hear my mum chuckling pic.twitter.com/N87giD5zKT
— Antonia (@Flaminhaystack) January 16, 2018
My coworker told me he got banned from a bar when he lived in North Dakota back in 1973 and didn’t try going back to it for 30 years but he finally did and the moment he stepped in someone yelled “Get the hell out of here Dennis” And that’s probably my favorite story ever
— Brennan (@Bmangall20) December 13, 2017