There are few times in our lives when we’ll try to text one of our friends and accidentally text the wrong number. When this happens, we usually get a short response saying “wrong number,” or, no response at all. It’s rare that we’ll get a full conversation or a sincere reaction to the stranger on the other end of the number. But, one girl got literally the greatest response when she texted the wrong number about an opinion on a dress. Syd was trying to text a friend of hers while trying on a gorgeous dress in a store for her feedback because you know…
She sent two full-length photos to her “friend,” which, turned out to be a complete stranger.

Instead of getting no response, this husband answered Syd with a kind, genuine message indicating that his wife wasn’t home to ask, but he did ask his kids and they think she looks great.
He even sent a photo of 5/6 of his kids giving Syd a thumbs up.
Seriously, how can you not love this response? It’s a “restoring faith in humanity” kind of answer. There are still some kind/sweet people in this garbage world. Of course, the situation went viral on Twitter after Syd’s friend Mandi published it online
Syd accidentally sent pics of her dress to the wrong number and this was their response ?
— Mandi Miller ❂ (@bbymandi) March 8, 2018
this made me chuckle so much. i breathed a sigh of relief when i read, “so i couldn’t get her opinion”
— astrid?? (@girl__jpg) March 9, 2018
— Carlie Perkins (@CarlieNicole09) March 9, 2018
this is so pure
— ?Ferris Bueller? (@beliyyal) March 9, 2018
— Haley Elizabeth ❤ (@WoahItsHaleeey) March 9, 2018
This is amazing!
— Wholesome Memes (@WholesomeMeme) March 9, 2018
There really are great people ?
— Brant?? (@BrantTylerr) March 9, 2018
After the tweet went viral and the husband’s children became “Twitter famous,” this dad responded that one of their children (who wasn’t pictured) is fighting Leukemia and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Someone else posted the GoFundMe link that the family has set up to help their son.
Hello! Apparently you have made my children Twitter famous! My 2nd youngest (not pictured, he was at chemo clinic) has a FB page for his fight against Leukemia and one of our Prayer Warriors recognized the children! Btw, my wife agreed that the dress looked great! God Bless!
— TriStar Home Team (@TristarHomeTeam) March 9, 2018
Hope Twitter does it’s Magic. Below is the GoFund me link for Kaizlers treatment for Leukaemia.
Kaizler is missing in the pic, Let’s get a Thumbs up from him too .@TristarHomeTeam— I.l.l.u.m.i..N.a.u.g.h.t.y (@__Hegde) March 9, 2018
And, Twitter raised over $1,000 to help this family.
I received an email from gofundme. Over $1,000 was donated today. You are absolutely amazing and we can’t begin to thank you enough. Every donation is a blessing, but the young lady in the dress donated as well. That choked me up a bit and made my wife cry. You guys are awesome.
— TriStar Home Team (@TristarHomeTeam) March 9, 2018
You’re very kind. Here is a thumbs up from Kaizler!
— TriStar Home Team (@TristarHomeTeam) March 9, 2018
The kind of pure you need, today and every day.