15 Memes You’ll Only Understand If You Went To Public School

Not all of us could afford to go to your fancy-pants private school like what they had in Gossip Girl, Cruel Intentions, The Facts of Life, and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, alright? The vast majority of us made do with the free-to-attend, government-funded learning institutions conveniently located within a mile or so of where our parents decided to rent or buy a house. And except for the chaos, craziness, and perpetual budget shortages, it was awesome. Okay, it was pretty great. You know what? It was fine. Alright, we didn’t have a choice. There. We made do.  Here are some memes that really express what it’s like to attend the circus that is the public school system.

1. It’s the law.

2. High (double) standards.

3. He won’t stand for this.