Abercrombie & Fitch Has Launched A ‘Gender Neutral’ Line Of Kids Clothing And People Have Mixed Feelings

The company claims they rolled out the new line of clothing based on “customer demands.” Stacia Andersen, Brand President of Abercrombie & Fitch and Abercrombie Kids, said:

“Parents and their kids don’t want to be confined to specific colors and styles, depending on whether shopping for a boy or a girl.”

Whereas in the past, clothing was separated by “girls” and “boys” sizes and sections, this collection is only separated by size and allows any gender to purchase any item, in any color and style. The collection is available in their kid’s department for ages 5-14. Items will range from $19.95 to $69.95.

After the news broke of Abercrombie’s decision to create a non-binary line of clothing, including all gender identities, there were mixed reactions.